Monday, August 8, 2016

Zh&k Onyx Android 4.4.2 kitkat Factory Firmware

Zh&k Onyx Android 4.4.2 kitkat Factory Firmware, is an official rom flashable on sp flash tool a non rooted rom, you can flash it using sp flash tool just tick the link to download.
You can also flash this firmware using a flashing box that can support to flashing a scatter file. but take note before you do flashing kindly read our disclaimer, to make sure we don't carry any problem of your devices after flashing, like we said here, dead phone that can detected to your pc/laptop that has an software problem we can assure you to fix it by this firmware like them, Cherry Mobile Flare s3 octacore kitkat 4.4.4
most of them happy of that firmware that we had. but some are not going good, like devices flash to an other model firmware you getting more sequences to repair that.but we have a team to help you just post or leave a comment or mail to us.

Factory Firmware Code: MT6571__alps__ONYX__b807_emmc_71_duomi_qhd_16_2__4.4.2__ALPS.KK1.MP7.V1

Download Firmware: Zh&K Onyx Android kitkat 4.4.2 Official

Note: not a free, password protected. don't waste time to download if you want a free..