Saturday, July 2, 2016

Google Adds Malware and Phishing Data

Google Adds Malware and Phishing Data
Google Adds Malware and Phishing Data
 Two of the biggest online  fear  are nasty  software malware  that can take control of your computer, and phishing scams that try to  share your personal information.When you browse google to get data,google flag those site which contain malware which are enemy of your system.Google is flagging around 10,000 sites a day.Phishing site are fake and look like as real which steal your personal information. Malware sites contain code that installs viruses and other malicious software into a computer.Google company update data weekly.Data shows number of people which receive warnings about phishing and malware and developers are notify to resolve this issue.. The report also lists the number of phishing and malware websites that have been flagged. 