Thursday, July 21, 2016

Top 10 Most Dangerous Snakes in the World

Top 10 Most Dangerous Snakes in the World
Top 10 Most Dangerous Snakes in the World

Snakes are found in every part of the world but these are mostly found in hot areas of the world. Mostly its spices are so dangerous even their one bite can kill a big elephant. Some of its species are not dangerous like Python but their big bite can broke your bones and these are very big snakes can swallow a Deer or Goat.But It is also necessary to mention that snakes are not just dangerous because any thing that ALLAH has created is not just harmful it also has some useful benefits and large kinds of Venomous snakes poison is use in medical field for the treatment of snakebites and other disease. So, it is not wrong if i said that snakes poison is also useful for human life. Here in this post have listed World's most dangerous snakes and their poison is so dreadful. Large part of these kind of snakes found in Australia and India.

Rattlesnake – America

Rattlesnake are a group of Venomous snakes and mostly found America. Its name Rattle because of its tail. It has a rattle at the end of its tail and its use it in very good manner. Its rattle use to protect him as well as it also make fool its favorite prey like birds, insects and rodents. Rattlesnakes like the 80 to 90F temperature. Its bite cases mostly found in North America and almost 7 to 8 thousands people are bitten by Venomous snakes every year.

King Cobra – India
King Cobra

King Cobra is one of most deadly snake in the world and Indian King Cobra is not just famous because of its poison but also for its length that is 18.5 to 18.8. The most Worst part of this snake that its prey is also snake and it also prey other King Cobra. Its mostly live in forest and because of the destruction of forest its rate of population become down day by day. It is the most aggressive snake and he can put his body up when feel fear and want to fight. It can also smell its prey from 100 meters. Wild King Cobra average age is 20 years.

Russel Viper – India
Russel Viper

Russel Viper is the most dangerous snake and its length is 4 ft and 1 inch. Because of its pale color it can easily hide itself in bushes so that's why it is the cause thousands of deaths every year in Asia. People who bitten by Russel Viper experienced unbearable pain, vomiting, swelling, dizziness and kidney failure. Its not hibernate and become active in winter's day. Its prey include all kinds of insects, birds and most favorite rats.

Death Adder – Australia
Death Adder

Its found in Australia and also one of the most venomous snake in the world and its length is 2 to 3.2 ft. Its found in forests, woodlands and grassland. It can injects average of 180 mg poison in single bite and its so quickly even human eye can't detect it. Respiratory system stop working after its bite, but if antivenom give on time then life can be saved. It is also longest snake in Australia.

Philippine Cobra - Philippines
Philippine Cobra

Philippine cobra is found in northern Philippine that's why it also called Philippine Cobra. Average length of Philippine Cobra is the 3.3 ft. After its bitten neurotoxicity and respiratory paralysis attack are common. In its bitten symptoms also include vomiting, nausea, headache and diarrhea. A victim die in 30 minutes after snakebite. That's why it is also called world's dangerous snake.

Tiger Snake - Australia
Tiger Snake

Tiger Snake is mostly found in southern regions of Australia and live in coastal environments, wetlands, and creeks. These snakes has same color like Tiger that's why it is called Tiger Snake. Tiger Snake is also one of longest snake, its average length is 10 ft. Symptoms of a bite include muscle weakness, pain in the foot and neck region, and sweating, breathing difficulties and paralysis. Treatment is same as for other venomous snake.

Black Mamba – African
Black Mamba

Black Mamba is found in the forest of Africa and is the most fastest snake on earth with a speed of up to 12 min/hr. It is also longest snake in Africa, and 8.2 to 10 ft long. Its name because of its black mouth and also called Black-mouthed Mamba. It is most aggressive snake and attack with full force. It can inject 1/250 oz of the toxic substance in a single bite this amount is enough to kill 50% of its victim. Bite symptoms include excessive drooling, fever, double vision and respiratory shutdown. If proper medical treatment is not provide to victim then death can be possible with in 15 minutes to 3 hours.

Taipan - Australia

Taipan is also most fastest and venomous snake in Australia. Its prey normally small mammals. It is most dangerous snake and its single bite to kill its prey can kill 100 humans. Its three known species are Inland Taipan, Coastal Taipan and Central Ranges Taipan.The Inland Taipan is also known as most toxic snake on land. Symptoms from its bites include nervous breakdown, vomiting and paralysis. Luckily, you won’t be victim because this snake is quite shy and keeps itself hidden in deep crevices in the wild.

Blue Krait – India, Indonesia
Blue Krait

Blue Krait is mostly found in India, sindh(Pakistan) and Indonesia. Its average length is 3 ft but it can grow upto 5 ft.Its common residence is termite mounds, rat holes, brick piles and inside houses. It is also found in water. These snakes prey other snakes, lizards, frogs and mice. It shows different behavior during day and night. During day it rools its body like ball and at night it become active and hissing loudly. Its venom include powerful neurotoxins which cause of muscle paralysis.

Eastern Brown snake - Australia
Eastern Brown snake

Eastern Brown Snake is found in Australia and Indonesia. This snake is also called world's second most dangerous snake. Because Only 1/14,000 a single ounce necessary to take the life of human. Just one way to protect yourself is stay perfectly still and don't show any movement because it is most fastest snake and you don't have time to run. It only react on movements. Its average length is 3.6 to 5.9 ft but also 7.9 ft recorded. Symptoms of its bite are paralysis, cardiac and renal failure.