C# Program to Convert Lower case Alphabet to Upper case
Program to Convert Lower case Alphabet to Upper case
Program Statement:
Write a program which converts the 1 lowercase letter (‘a’ – ‘z’) in its corresponding uppercase letter (‘A’ – ‘Z’). E.g. if user enter c then program will show C on the screen.
//Program to Convert Lower case Alphabet to Upper class
class convert { char ch, c; int a; public void con() { Console.Write("\n\t\tEnter small letter : "); ch = Convert.ToChar(Console.ReadLine()); a = (int)ch; if (ch >= 97 && ch <= 122) { c = (char)(ch - 32); Console.Write("\t\t Capital letter : {0}\n\n", c);
} else Console.WriteLine("\t\t Please enter a small letter!\n"); } } static void Main(string[] args) { convert c1 = new convert(); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("\n\n\t\t.........................................."); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t Problem # 1"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t.........................................."); c1.con(); Console.ReadKey(); }